TruthHurts TruthHurts
Member for 1 year, 2 months since Jul 14, 2023

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Check Google!! SaidJack67.

Mar 21, 2024 at 5:08 AM

Some men can sew,too..

Mar 20, 2024 at 11:37 PM

Global Warming Cause by Mankind?

Mar 20, 2024 at 12:18 AM

Too bad!, Trump will be choked an...

Mar 18, 2024 at 4:34 PM

Too bad!, Trump will be choked an...

Mar 18, 2024 at 4:32 PM

9 long years Trump keeps appearin...

Mar 18, 2024 at 4:08 PM

DMFBI's vlog.

Mar 18, 2024 at 1:29 AM

DMFBI's vlog.

Mar 18, 2024 at 1:19 AM

Chewbacca hateful God gift s life ?

Mar 18, 2024 at 1:15 AM

Seriously ------>

Mar 17, 2024 at 10:19 PM

Christian or LGBT destroy Family ...

Mar 17, 2024 at 10:18 PM

RE: News around the world and fak...

Mar 17, 2024 at 4:07 PM

RE: News around the world and fak...

Mar 17, 2024 at 4:05 PM

In response to GAZone vlog.

Mar 17, 2024 at 5:27 AM

In response to GAZone vlog.

Mar 17, 2024 at 5:12 AM

In response to GAZone vlog.

Mar 17, 2024 at 4:53 AM