Member for 14 years, 1 month since Jan 19, 2011
I am a single father of two boys, the oldest is in the military (Navy). I was raised in Missouri. I was about 13 months old when they discovered tha...See Moret I had a hearing loss. At that time my parents weren't educated enough to know about the deaf community or any resources for me to go. It was suggested to them that I attend Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis, MO for their Parent/Infant program where I learned how to read lips and speak. I was there from 14 mos to 5 years old.. then went to mainstream in public schools in my area. Growing up as an only child and being the only deaf person around was quite a challenge but a good one. I must say I was blessed to have good friends who have came to my life while growing up in the suburbs of St. Louis also wonderful grandparents who I think the world of them, but they sadly I lost them (grandpa in 2000 and Grandma in 2010). Anyhow, my world really opened up when I learned sign language when I was 18 years old at a local community college from a dear friend of mine who was considered a legend in the deaf community and one of the best interperters around these parts.
I went to Gallaudet University in the 90's. It was a great experience for me since I never really been into a hardcore deaf community/culture. I must say I have learned a lot during my stay there.
I hope you all enjoy my vlogs if I do consistenly make them. However, I am kinda shy into making them and seemed to freeze up and loss of words when I want to stay or express. I hope any of you can give me tips or start up a disscussions that I could join in and learn from one another.
I am a single father rasing two boys who are now 19 and 17 and they are the biggest blessings in my life other than my partner of 11 years.
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