Member for 13 years, 7 months since Jul 25, 2011
My name is Christopher Harlan, you may just call me Chris. I am deaf and born with it. I am not ASL very well but is trying to learn more. I have deaf...See More families and it's my father's family. My grandparents, 2 cousins, and three uncles. I know I should have born with ASL, but all of those deaf families isn't where my family's local. They all are in New Jersey and we are in Texas. I know lot of sign but it is call myself an SEE or ESL, but I am happy with for who I am or how sign I do!
I am divorce and now I am single father to six years old son. His name is Blake and live with his mother full time. I am student and go to SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf. My studies there is Business Management in Howard College. I am happy there still! Yes it is small town and small number, but it is growing and still growing great! I am Rattlers News there also! Isn't it awesome?!
Yes, I am looking for a new lady to marry again and have a new family again. Just saying... :)
More question you want to know more about me? Please feel free to inbox me or check out in my Facebook page!
Have a great day, evening, or good night for whichever you are read this biographical!
Your friendly,
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