Hi5 - March 7, 2025

Gallaudet University     March 7, 2025 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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Video Description: Enow Otto Jr., Class of 2025, Undergraduate Student, Public Health in Science, stands in front of a whiteboard with a doodle of the Bison mascot holding up a hoof. Enow is attired in a three piece suit and a tie.

Transcript: Welcome to the March 7 issue of Hi5! My name is Enow Otto Jr. [exhibits sign name] I am excited to be your ASL signer today! Here are our Top Five news stories. In the email, click links to learn more about each story.

#1 Women’s basketball team wins United East championship

Thanks to a buzzer-beating shot from senior Raj Guettler, the Gallaudet women’s basketball team captured the United East Conference championship in overtime! Raj also scored her 1,000th point as a Bison during the game. The team now advances to the Division III Women’s Basketball Championship Tournament. Go Bison! You can watch the Bison play NYU at the Field House, online, or in person in New York City on March 7.

#2 Congressman visits Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child Resilience Center

In February, Representative Mark Takano visited the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child Resilience Center (DHHCRC) at Gallaudet. He learned about the amazing work that DHHCRC is doing to bring trauma-informed mental health care to deaf children. Read the story to find out more!

#3 Psychology expert raises awareness about autism in deaf children

Dr. Danielle Previ, G-’15 & PhD ’18, is a leading figure in supporting deaf and hard of hearing children with autism. She co-authored a guide to help identify autism in deaf children, and recently gave the keynote presentation at a national conference. Learn more in the article below!

#4 Professor spotlights Deaf Liberation Theology

Associate Professor Dr. Kirk VanGilder is co-organizing a symposium on Deaf Liberation Theology, which shares themes with Deafhood and disability rights. The symposium will look back at the history of Deaf Liberation Theology and discuss how it could be used in the present.

#5 Debate team members win debut at international tournament

For the first time ever, newcomers on the Gallaudet debate team won their debut tournament appearance! Hiruni Hewapathiranage-Mayadunne and Nicole Hicks secured the novice championship trophy at the Transatlantic Dialogues for Future Leaders. They beat out top students from universities around the US and Europe. Way to go!

The next Hi5 will be Friday, March 21.

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Have a wonderful weekend!

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