How I know sure of my Eternal Life?

DM FBI     January 12, 2025 in ASL 77 Subscribers Subscribe

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Summary Book: In the context of the book Paid in Full, which focuses on the idea that Jesus Christ paid the price for humanity's sins through His death and resurrection, knowing for certain about your eternal life hinges on understanding the gospel message and responding to it with faith. The phrase "Paid in Full" refers to the idea that Christ’s sacrifice fully covers the debt of sin, and nothing more is needed for salvation. Here's how this concept applies to your eternal life: Understanding the Payment: Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was a complete and sufficient payment for your sins. This payment ensures that if you trust in Him, your sins are forgiven and you are reconciled to God. Jesus' death was the price that was required, and it's been "paid in full." Faith in Christ: The Bible teaches that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). To know for sure that you have eternal life, you need to believe that Jesus' death on the cross paid the penalty for your sins, and that His resurrection guarantees your eternal life. Assurance from Scripture: The Bible provides numerous verses that assure believers of their eternal security. For example, John 5:24 says, "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." This is a promise from Jesus Himself that anyone who believes in Him is granted eternal life. Living in Christ: In Paid in Full, the message is clear that salvation is not based on human effort or works, but solely on God's grace. Once you place your trust in Christ, you are assured of eternal life because the price has already been fully paid by Him. However, this assurance is also coupled with a call to follow Him in your life, as true faith produces a changed heart and a life aligned with God's will. The Holy Spirit’s Confirmation: The Holy Spirit, who indwells every believer, also serves as a guarantee of the inheritance that believers have (Ephesians 1:13-14). The Spirit confirms in our hearts that we belong to God and that we are secure in His promises of eternal life. So, knowing for sure about your eternal life means recognizing that Jesus has already paid for your sins, trusting in Him as your Savior, and resting in the assurance of His promises. In the words of Paid in Full, it is about fully accepting that Jesus’ work on the cross was sufficient for your salvation, and there is nothing left to be done except to believe and receive this gift.

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