Living with ADHD

DeafCounseling     December 29, 2024 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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ADHD is diagnosed more often in males than females, but the statistics may not be quite accurate. Many females aren’t diagnosed with ADHD when they should be.

ADHD symptoms that females show can look different than those that males show. Males tend to be hyperactive and impulsive, while females often forget things and have trouble paying attention and organizing.

Brenda reflects on living with ADHD from childhood and shares the tools she has used to manage ADHD symptoms.

Est. 2001. Deaf Women Owned. Over 20 years in business. 35+ years of Experience. Deaf Counseling Center provides both #telementalhealth (videophone, web-based, online, and virtual, e-therapy, telemental health) and in-office #therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.

Board-certified Telemental Health (BC-TMH). HIPAA Compliant. 100% Private. Inbox us for more information.

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Deaf Counseling Center provides therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.

Disclaimer: You may want to consider diagnosis and treatment of your symptoms with a licensed professional counselor. This page is not intended to replace therapy.

NOTE: We use the word “Deaf” as an inclusive term for all Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, late-deafened, oral Deaf, ASL users, CI users, and other identities.

© 2024 Deaf Counseling Center. All rights reserved. You must credit Deaf Counseling Center when sharing or using this content.

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