“End” or “Goal” of the Law?

SDD71     October 21, 2024 in ASL 32 Subscribers Subscribe

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Romans 10:4 as meaning that Christ is the "culmination" or "goal" of the Mosaic Law, not that he completely terminated or abolished it. The verse in the New World Translation (NWT) reads, "For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness." They understand this as Christ fulfilling the Law’s purpose, rather than simply doing away with it. Using synonyms like "goal" or "culmination" emphasizes the idea that the Law led to Christ. It pointed forward to him, preparing people to understand the need for a savior. Once Christ arrived, the Law had fulfilled its purpose. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Law was not abolished in a negative sense but rather had reached its intended completion in Christ. So, rather than suggesting that Jesus terminated or rid the world of the Law, Jehovah's Witnesses see Romans 10:4 as pointing to Christ being the Law's fulfillment, achieving its purpose and bringing righteousness through faith.

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