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ChetBrock Mar 03, 2025
ChetBrock October 16, 2024 in ASL 48 Subscribers Subscribe
Sorry about people giving you a bunch of guff about that. The Church of Christ (and the related Christian Church and Disciples of Christ) denomination(s) is from the Stone-Campbell revival in the 1800s. Distinctive of CoC is they use a scriptural hermaneutic called CENI, which stands for Command, Example, and Necessary Inference. They are very closed off from worshiping with other Christians, whom they do not believe are actually saved. Their main beliefs are regenerative baptism, you can lose salvation, and if your worship service does not include all 4 of the elements from the end of Acts 2, it is invalid and you have lost salvation. There is no structure beyond the local congregation. The CoC has traditionally been opposed to the use of any instruments in their services, although that is changing in some parts, which makes them identical to the Christian Church faction.
Title: CENI "church of Christ"
Title: one
Title: God’s People
Title: Yes, they wrote it
Title: CoC no kitchen/Music
Title: LDS CoC
Title: One Body In Christ
Title: Reasons Leaving CoC
Title: Under Christ
Title: CofC is not thing!!!
Title: different members? NO
Title: Silly?
Title: CoC Follow Campbellite
Title: Campbellite did not