3. Exodus Stage - 1804 to 1405 B.C.

ChetBrock     September 28, 2024 in ASL 46 Subscribers Subscribe

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Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Bondage, Hebrews multiply into a great company and are enslaved in Egypt Salvation, God raises up a deliverer, Moses, friend of God Fellowship, Three months after the Exodus, Israel camps at Sinai for nearly a year, and three major events occur. a. Giving of the Law, req uirement for fellowship b. Corruption of golden calf incident, ruin of that fellowship c. Building of Tabernacle, restoration of that fellowship Failure at Kadesh. On the occasion of entering the Promised Land, in spite of her glorious experience of redemption, law and fellowship, Israel chose to disbelieve and thus wandered in the wilderness for 38 years.

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