Call for Motions | 2024 AGM

OAD1921     September 7, 2024 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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TRANSCRIPT: Hello, I’m Amelia Sandoval. I’m the Secretary at OAD. Now, the Annual General Meeting 2024 is drawing closer. We’re now calling for motions. You can make motions for priorities OAD needs to focus on, resolutions, or any other businesses to discuss. You can submit your motions via the form at this link. For your information, the form will require two persons’ names: the person who authored the motion, and the person who will second the motion. Most importantly, both persons must be an active OAD member, and be registered to attend the AGM via Zoom. Also, attendance to the AGM via Zoom is required. If you cannot attend the meeting for any reason or you are not an active OAD member from the community, you can make motions as long as you find active OAD members who will attend the Zoom meeting to submit the motion on your behalf and second the motion. Remember, they must attend the Zoom meeting for the motion to be discussed. We look forward to getting your motions, and see you there at the AGM 2024. Thank you!

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