Retro Reviews: Hawkeye Season 1, Episode 2 - "Hide and Seek"

TheDeafGeek     August 23, 2024 in ASL 41 Subscribers Subscribe

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The Deaf Geek's Retro Review of Season 1, Episode 2 of "Hawkeye" -- Hide and Seek.

"Avengers: Endgame" has come and went, and MCU's Phase 4 continues to merrily roll on. Christmas season is here, so it's time to check in with the forgotten Avengers hero, Hawkeye, as well as the upstart heroine Kate Bishop. In this podcast, the Deaf Geek does a "retro" review of the Disney+ series in American Sign Language (ASL).

00:00 - Introduction
00:17 - "Hide and Seek"
01:12 - The Good
02:46 - The Bad
04:22 - The What?!?
05:15 - Final Thoughts
06:26 - Until Next Time ...

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