“George Conway amplifies Maryland Psychologist’s warnings about Trump”—Baltim...

deafguy55     August 9, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [He started researching personality disorders, eventually settling on the same diagnosis that Gartner uses to describe Trump. Conway’s essay in The Atlantic in 2019 argued that Trump’s severe narcissism made it impossible for him to serve the nation as president. Now he wants to broadcast that message to the nation, explaining the diagnosis and why it’s dangerous. ], Link , Link , Link , Link , [“That is a frustrated…frightened Donald Trump. He's looking at the poll numbers. It's a big tell when he does the accordion thing and tells you how great he's doing in the polls — that is a big tell for him...Let him keep talking, and he'll dig a bigger hole for himself. ], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Pierre Poilievre won’t get security clearance, because that will restrict him from spreading lies and hate. Pierre Poilivere is a fascist who is dividing Canada.], Link , Link , [PIERRE POILIEVRE'S simplistic anti-tax rants are to deceive that no one needs/uses government services. It’s a ploy he uses to gut regulations, safeguards, programs to allow Big Biz to run amok unregulated, maximizing profit at the expense of workers, society and environment.], Link , Link , [Doug Ford is wasting a billion of your tax-dollars to make sure his friends at the big, American convenience store chains can sell beer and pad their profits a year early.],

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