Convo NOW is FAKE APP for interpreting !!!!

Nokom75eLeafy     August 7, 2024 in ASL 8 Subscribers Subscribe

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I got sour cream and meat then police interrupt me on my way home. Pisses me fuck off ! I would've gotten arrested today by Perez of Keizer but my neighbor across the street invited that FATTY cop in his garage then I wait on my driveway then cop smiling and left me alone. I don't know what happened insider that garage but that fat cop s BAD !!!!! Whoever trained that cop its very very very very bad! FCC created that app, and it is a BULLSHIT PHONY app !! Tried to use it few times and now I uninstall Convo VP because someone told Technician Allen Kelsey to bother my videophone that I lose data and signal. I wish wish wish wish war war war war on FEDERAL GOVERNMENT !

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