This is a Vlog Response to "Very SHAME to Kamala Harris supporting defund polices!" (removed) by MQQW

The police arrested me 29 years ago, MQQW Please

DeafHawk62     July 27, 2024 in ASL 72 Subscribers Subscribe

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  1. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
    Title:   File against US Army
  2. ReplyTo:   Nokom75eLeafy
  3. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
    Title:   She is against Katholik
  4. ReplyTo:   TurnYourBrainOn
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
  6. ReplyTo:   Lpolarbear2
  7. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
  8. ReplyTo:   DeafHawk62
    Title:   Dancing
  9. ReplyTo:   Valasl
  10. ReplyTo:   Valasl
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