Nikki Haley's Voters Pac just endorsed Kamala Harris!

deafguy55     July 22, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 41 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [“Pierre Poilievre is out right lying…”], Link , [Joe Biden showed love of country through self-sacrifice. It’s an impossible feat in our politics. The other guy pretended to get shot. This November, we will honor Joe by making sure his sacrifice was not in vain.], Link , Link , Link , [Joe Biden has been one of America’s most consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. Today, we’ve also been reminded – again – that he’s a patriot of the highest order. ]

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