The late Billy Graham's son Franklin was shredded on a Baptist news site Frid...

deafguy55     July 20, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , [But things got worse than that. Next, Graham started telling flat-out lies. “For as long as I’ve known President Trump, I’ve found him to be a man of his word,” he declared. Apparently Graham hasn’t listened to any of the small-business owners who have been jilted by Trump through the years, hasn’t listened to any of the women who say Trump assaulted them, hasn’t paid attention to the hundreds of documented lies Trump spews between breakfast and dinner each day. No, it turns out Graham has some other measure in mind: “When he told me and our country in 2016 that he was going to appoint conservative justices, guess what, he did. In 2016, he said he would defend religious liberty and, guess what, he did.” By “religious liberty,” of course, Graham means the liberty of evangelicals like him, not the liberty of all people.]

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