If politicians like Pierre Poilievre and Danielle Smith are concerned about p...

deafguy55     July 17, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 41 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who has previously called for Liberals to be put into "crosshairs" is saying that progessive politicians are inciting violence against Conservatives ], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [CNN just fact checked the Republicans at day 2 of the RNC for 4 minutes straight. This is BRUTAL and completely embarrassing for the MAGA Republicans. They lie, lie, and lie!], Link , Link , Link , [It is an illustration of the gulf between the normal assumptions of judicial propriety and Cannon’s in-the-tank oversight of the case that it took so many, including me, so long to fully accept the only hypothesis that is consistent with her continual undermining of a cut-and-dried criminal case: that this is entirely a matter of loyalty, not law.], Link , [see this "ME and OUR Honorable Supreme Court"]

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