This is the most level headed thing I've read all night.

deafguy55     July 14, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 41 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Donald Trump is NOT a martyr because he survived an assassination attempt. He is the same person who tried to overturn the results of our presidential election. Hopefully he will realize how lucky he is to be alive and consider making changes to his way of being. ], Link , Link , Link , [When I watched the video a few times, you could see both Teleprompters, both did not move and from the front, looked intact, this picture may prove the glass shard idea instead of the bullet. Either way, we can definitely see he heard the first bullet wiz by. That may be the bullet that possibly hit the teleprompter and or his ear! It wasn't a paintball, it was a bullet. Sounded like the shooter got off at least 5 shots, then you can hear the silencers from the SS sniper rifles right After.]

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