just say hi and hope good week

DM FBI     June 9, 2024 in ASL 77 Subscribers Subscribe

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11 min of your valuable time to KNOW God and His Son that HE died for you SINNERS! I am a saint who wish you to choose wisely either Trust Him or do nothing and you still belong to SATAN! (See John 8:44!) ILYinC!

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10 Video Comments

       Reply to DM FBI
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   why long? Care!
  2. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   See in "preachtheword"   Link 1
  3. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   Blasphemy
  4. ReplyTo:   TheDeafGeek
  5. ReplyTo:   UA, TheDeafGeek
    Title:   E1? Sinner to Saint?   Link 1
  6. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
  7. ReplyTo:   TheDeafGeek
    Title:   just saying
  8. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   r u Father of Satan? OR
  9. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   Another god
  10. ReplyTo:   WarHawk
    Title:   Try Acts 17? Paul JC R.
   Reply to DM FBI
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