Wait. What? Last week, Danielle Smith was celebrating the TMX. Even taking cr...

deafguy55     May 24, 2024 in deafguy55\'s perspectives-generally Political News and Religions 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [ AG Merrick Garland responds to Trump and MAGA Republicans who are claiming Joe Biden ordered Trump's assassination: “That allegation is false, and it is extremely dangerous.”], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Why? The answer is simple. It is greed. Doug Ford's govt is now transferring more than a billion dollars of our public money each year away from our public non-profit health care over to private for-profit clinics & hospitals, staffing agencies, long-term care chains, and so on.], Link , Link , [Howell found that Trump knew that his team “intended to inform the government that the responsive documents located in the storage room provided a comprehensive response to the May 2022 Subpoena—a representation that the former president, for the reasons already detailed, knew to be wrong.” Howell notes that the government called the whole thing a “shell game,” as Trump moved the documents around within Mar-a-Lago based on the schedule of when specific spots would be searched.], Link

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