Sabbath and Eclipse

DeafColorado     March 1, 2024 in ASL 2 Subscribers Subscribe

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Why I have to make a video on sabbath related with eclipse? Everyone ought to understand what’s going on. Eclipse is coming on this April 8. It is very important. Her ought know about it. I will explain on this on more deep and details.

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40 Video Comments

       Reply to DeafColorado
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Wise Men
  2. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Jonah
  3. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Context on timeline
  4. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Comment problem
  5. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   I am back!
  6. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Timing of Jesus
  7. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Sixth Hour
  8. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Jonah
  9. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Buried before Sabbath?
  10. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   3 days????
  11. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Persecutions
  12. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Jesuits
  13. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   3 Hours
  14. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Catholic & Jesuits
  15. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Apocrypha
  16. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   TWISTED!!!
  17. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Wise Men
  18. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Eclipses history
  19. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Esclipse 2017
  20. ReplyTo:   DeafColorado
    Title:   Second Eclipse
   Reply to DeafColorado
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