#NAD2024 Call for Workshops or Meet-ups

NAD     February 7, 2024 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jen is standing in front of a gray background.

JEN: Hello! I'm curious. Are you eager to present at the NAD Conference this summer? Do you have information, resources, and data to share with our Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, and Late Deafened communities? Whether you’re a community member that is involved with a project or an expert in research – we invite you to submit a workshop proposal for our conference happening in Chicago, July 1-6 this summer. Workshop tracks include: Advocacy, Education, Employment & Government, Health, History, Inclusion, Organizational, Sign Language, Technology, and Other Interests. We are also thrilled to be partnering with Deaf in Government (DIG) and the National Deaf Education Conference (NDEC again this year – DIG will review and select workshop proposals for Employment & Government. NDEC will review and select workshop proposals for Education. The NAD Conference includes fascinating workshops that share powerful take-aways and allow opportunities to discuss important topics. We’re also doing something new this year – people can also host a meet-up! Perhaps you are interested in gathering feedback about a project or would like to facilitate a focus group, instead of a workshop – you can host a meet-up! We look forward to your proposal and hope you will join us this summer! The deadline to submit your proposal is March 1, 2024.]

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