ASL How much does a sign language interpreter make in 2023...1st time over 10...

shelllium     February 5, 2024 in ASL 56 Subscribers Subscribe

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Review and Analysis of ASL Independent Contractor fiscal year 2023 STATS created as a resource for ITP students, interpreters new to the profession of interpreting, and people considering a career as a sign language interpreter.

See chapter markers below to skip to sections of interest:

1:47 What does a career freelancer earn in a year?
3:04 How many assignments covered in a year?
4:58 How many miles driven?
What is the breakdown of:
2:42 gross income
1:55 net after business expenses
5:45 - 7:14 taxes
8:30 net income?
4:04 What is the percentage of community work to state/government work?
11:00 What percent is remote/virtual vs. in-person/community work?
7: 22 Is it worth getting an LLC?
8: 45 What is the value of a benefits package?
9:41 What is net income if benefits package is deducted from income?

11 items that made a difference in 2023, bumping up income from the 90s to over 100K

10:49 #1 Hybrid Work
11:13 #2 Less Driving
11:37 #3 Longer Workday
12:19 #4 Direct state contract
13:01 #5 Court work
13:35 #6 Longer assignments
14:15 #7 Updated Fee scale
15: 09 #8 Certificate in Healthcare
16:28 #9 Adding Spanish as 3rd language
17:47 #10 Pro-bono work/Interpreting advocacy
18:44 #11 Improving admin on the go

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Comments/feedback welcomed! ~SH

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