President Updates | January 2024

NAD     January 30, 2024 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC: Jenny stands in her living room.

JENNY: Hello! Last month, in December, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Delaware filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) alleging that the Delaware School for the Deaf was not providing enough Listening & Spoken Language support and was instead focusing mostly on sign language resources and support. Like you, we were appalled at the complaint. Many community members shared their concerns with the ACLU of Delaware, and led ACLU-Delaware to take note of the strong response from the communities. Thanks to the communities' input, ACLU of Delaware took this seriously and invited the NAD to a meeting to discuss next steps. We shared our position, which is crystal clear about our values when it comes to deaf children's right to sign language access. There should be no reason to remove sign language as one of their options. We also checked in with the National Office of ACLU and were pleased to see their post supporting sign language in Deaf education. Thank you for sharing your feedback and supporting deaf children's right to sign language access. We cannot do this work alone. Together, we can achieve much more. The NAD will continue to advocate for our right to sign language. Earlier this month, the NAD Board met at the NAD Headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland for our Board meeting. We also visited the Maryland School for the Deaf Frederick and Columbia campuses. We appreciate the warm hospitality given by the Maryland School for the Deaf, thank you MSD! We discussed a list of topics during the Board meeting -- one of which I know you all are waiting for, details for our upcoming conference in Chicago this summer. Information will be released soon. Recently, we shared the names of the Deaf performers who will be at the Super Bowl -- I can't wait to watch Daniel, Anjel, and Shaheem at the Super Bowl! I hope you'll join me and watch them perform!]

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