This is for VAD regarding members rights - redo

ASLisGreat     January 22, 2024 in ASL 40 Subscribers Subscribe

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Members have the power over Board. Board needs to be open minded and understanding with compassion.

Last townhall meeting at Staunton VA, there were 16 people showed up virtually which is 10% of total members.

VAD bylaws and VA SCC recognizes virtual meeting is available for use.

VAD has used virtual meetings for 2 1/2 years and I was Treasurer and ran many meetings virtually.

I have expertise that I can provide efficient and reliable meeting and I can send recordings to Secretary for minutes.

Empathize with you. I am not threatening VAD Board, I want Board to understand its members rights to attend and vote.

Last November 4, 2023 election should be null and void due to VAD’s violation of members rights to vote and attend meetings virtually.

Please consider this is very important and listen to members.

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