Masked Autism: Hoardimg

DeafCounseling     January 5, 2024 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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People who struggle with hoarding have difficulty letting go of possessions. Their living spaces become cluttered, disorganized, and often unfit for living in. While there can be different root causes of hoarding, one that is not very well known is that hoarding can be a behavior exhibited by people who are on the autism spectrum, including people with masked autism. In these cases, hoarding results from issues with emotional regulation, sensory regulation, and executive functioning. Deaf Counseling Center therapist, Sheli, explains this type of hoarding. #hoarding #maskedautism #autismspectrumdisorder

[VD: A white woman is sitting on a sofa signing about hoarding. The video contains a collage shot of examples of hoarding and clutter.]

Est. 2001. Deaf Women Owned. Over 20 years in business. 35+ years of Experience. Deaf Counseling Center provides both #telementalhealth (videophone, web-based, online, and virtual, e-therapy, telemental health) and in-office #therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.
Board-certified Telemental Health (BC-TMH). HIPAA Compliant. 100% Private. Inbox us for more information.
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Deaf Counseling Center provides therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.

NOTE: We use the word “Deaf” as an inclusive term for all Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, late-deafened, oral Deaf, ASL users, CI users, and other identities.

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