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DeafCounseling Mar 23, 2025
DeafCounseling December 23, 2023 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe
Grief is painful. Whether we face a loss through death, divorce, natural disaster, disability, or anything, grief triggers within us strong physical and emotional reactions. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to grieve - it is an individual process. Deaf Counseling Center therapist, Mary Bird, discusses expressions of grief.
[Visual ID: Mary, a Caucasian woman with short white hair, wearing a green sweater, signs about grief.]
Transcript: I want to talk about grief. It is human nature to have attachments to other people. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have…you have that attachment. When that attachment is gone, we experience grief.
We don’t all have the same feelings. There’s such a variety of responses and a wide variety of ways that we perceive and accept grief.
Some people seem to take grief in stride, accepting it and moving on. Other people struggle for a long time.
Other people experience the tragedy of grief, struggle to move on and accept it, then fall apart.
Again, individuals process and experience grief differently.
Grief can manifest in many different symptoms…
crying, feeling heartbroken, stoic or flat affect, anger, denial. So many expressions of grief.
There’s not one person who follows a certain pattern of grief. Grief is grief.
Est. 2001. Deaf Women Owned. Over 20 years in business. 35+ years of Experience. Deaf Counseling Center provides both #telementalhealth (videophone, web-based, online, and virtual, e-therapy, telemental health) and in-office #therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.
Board-certified Telemental Health (BC-TMH). HIPAA Compliant. 100% Private. Inbox us for more information.
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Deaf Counseling Center provides therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.
NOTE: We use the word “Deaf” as an inclusive term for all Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, DeafPlus, late-deafened, oral Deaf, ASL users, CI users, and other identities.
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