What is the Word made FLESH?

PatrickDSC     December 22, 2023 in ASL 6 Subscribers Subscribe

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David confirms the debar (word/star)---- Psalms 33:6---The heavens (Hebrew word- shamayim, mean a place for the stars) were made by His word (Debar) their hosts (Stars/Angels) by the breath of His mouth!

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28 Video Comments

       Reply to PatrickDSC
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Ephesians 3:11 and 1:11
  2. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Hebrew”document”
  3. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Logos from Britannica   Link 1
  4. ReplyTo:   signhand
    Title:   Flesh (Sarki)   Link 1
  5. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Ck under my vlog 2 link
  6. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Miraculous Birhts
  7. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   flesh/sinner   Link 1   Link 2
  8. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Son of Joesph   Link 1   Link 2
  9. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Just curious, your view?   Link 1
  10. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Started Flesh
  11. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Abraham's house   Link 1
  12. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Begotten Son of only Yah
  13. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Bridegroom   Link 1
  14. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Prophets knew!>>   Link 1
  15. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Through Joesph (H-David)   Link 1
  16. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   He was not called good
  17. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   He was not perfect.
  18. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   His Will (word)
  19. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   His plans or will (Word)
  20. ReplyTo:   PatrickDSC
    Title:   Eat His Words!
   Reply to PatrickDSC
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