Season's Greetings from Gallaudet University 2023

Gallaudet University     December 20, 2023 in ASL 23 Subscribers Subscribe

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Video description: President Bobbi Cordano and spouse Mary Baremore are sitting in a living space with a lit fireplace behind them. President Cordano is seated on the right and wearing a dark navy suit over a tan turtleneck. She has short dirty blond hair and wire glasses. Mary Baremore is sitting on the left side wearing a dark green jacket over a black top and slacks. She has shoulder-length blond hair. They have a small round table between them with two red unlit candles.

BOBBI: Hello, I’m President Bobbi Cordano.

MARY: And I’m Bobbi’s spouse, Mary Baremore.

BOBBI: (lights candle) As I light this candle, let’s take a moment to look back on all of the important work that we have done to invest in building our community during 2023.

BOBBI: While we are taking the time to celebrate, we also want to recognize and reflect on all that is going on in the world and the impact on everyone in the Deaf community. What keeps us strong and helps us through is our love for each other.

MARY: (lights candle) As we look ahead to 2024, let’s embody our values of love, empathy, and caring for each other, whether we are here on Gallaudet’s campus wherever we are - on campus or out in the world.

BOBBI: 2024 is a new year. Yes, we will continue to see and experience new challenges, some of which will be easier to face than others. We don’t know what challenges will arise, but we will be ready for them. That is our strength. At Gallaudet, we are committed to being a model to the world of what peace truly means, as we take the lead in caring for one another. That is our promise here at Gallaudet, and abroad, to ensure this is a great place for the Deaf community.

(zoom out to many people holding a lit candle and waving to the camera)

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