#NADYLC2024 Camper Application

NAD     December 8, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC: Video montage of Deaf Youth engaging in different camp activities with overlay texts popping up throughout the video.

VIDEO: Two campers are playing a hand game in front of others.

VIDEO: Campers are doing a group activity, trying to get a camper through a web without touching the web.

TEXT: Are you a high school sophomore or junior?

VIDEO: Campers are outside and split up into two groups with some campers running in the middle.

VIDEO: Inside, campers are sitting in different circles doing an activity.

TEXT: Are you Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, or Hard of Hearing?

VIDEO: A guest presenter and campers are seated in a circle, the guest presenter asks them to move closer to eachother to be more DeafBlind friendly.

TEXT: Do you want to step out of your comfort zone?

VIDEO: Outside, a camper holds a flag and leads campers past the camera cheering.

VIDEO: A group of campers are performing a cheer.

VIDEO: Campers are walking past the camera while waving and cheering.

TEXT: Are you ready for self-discovery?

VIDEO: The camera pans up to the trees and sky.

TEXT: Join us at Youth Leadership Camp in Oregon this summer! Camper application deadline is January 15, 2024.]

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