True Salvation! HOW? Eph1:12-15!

DM FBI     December 4, 2023 in ASL 77 Subscribers Subscribe

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Explain to both BELIEVERS and UNBELIEVERS about God's true Salvation to us, Believers, who already Understood God's Words that Jesus Christ is only way for us to be saved from Wrath of God (Lake of Fire, Rev20) So our problem is that word "TRUST" and Jesus is one we need to listen and believe in. I also explained to Believers that if one trust Jesus, God put Holy Spirit in each believers that show we belong to GOD from Serpent (Devil)!! No Believers can be LOST to Serpent! Excite news (Gospel, or Good News) that salvation is VERY EASY. No Good Works require here. Once saved then do all GOOD works TO Serve Jesus! Nothing can stop US believers to go to HELL (Matt16:18)!!!! Believe or NOT? John 3:14-18 & Romans 3:19-26; Both will be understood regard "SALVATION!"

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