There is NO Millennium Years of Peace

BroPouliot     November 21, 2023 in ASL 12 Subscribers Subscribe

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In this vlog, Bro. Pouliot share his understanding reason why there is no such millennium of peace, according to what the Old Testament (or TANAKH) teaches. Another words, this message speak of against the New Testament preachers or ministers false doctrine about the coming Millennium years of peace.

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12 Video Comments

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  1. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Isaiah 32
  2. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Isaiah 2
  3. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Isaiah 11
  4. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Isaiah 52 & 53   Link 1
  5. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Promised New Kingdom   Link 1
  6. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   One Thousand Year Peace?   Link 1   Link 2
  7. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Fact
  8. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
  9. ReplyTo:   A1steaksaucelover
  10. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
  11. ReplyTo:   A1steaksaucelover
    Title:   DO U SEE IT? 1 of 2
  12. ReplyTo:   A1steaksaucelover
    Title:   DO U SEE IT? 2 of 2
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