Advocacy Letter | Long-Term Facilities

NAD     November 15, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jacob Salem is standing in front of a camera.

JACOB: Deaf Seniors are not getting equal access at nursing homes, assisted living, any long-term care facility! It says that it is for “anyone” right? Not quite, but yes, they SHOULD be. Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act says so but that doesn’t stop discriminatory practices from happening.

JACOB: The NAD and Deaf Seniors of America worked together to create several checklists to help not only deaf seniors but family members with deaf seniors – 

(Image of Personal Document checklist appears)

JACOB: First, a checklist for personal documents – this would be good for you to fill out with the deaf senior, together, and agree on the best place to store this document. Talking about these things before its too late will help avoid any unnecessary problems down the road. 

(Image of Residential Facilities checklist appears)

JACOB: This checklist may help you find the right facility that best fits yourself or deaf senior family member. In fact, you should bring this with you when you’re exploring different locations and ask them about what they have. Who knows, some facilities may be open to installing some equipment, changing their protocol, or revising their system to accommodate.

(Image of Caregivers checklist appears)

JACOB: This checklist will help you avoid going through caregivers if you can’t find the right fit. Use this checklist when interviewing your next caregiver.]

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