Holiday Card 2023 Cover Search

NAD     November 3, 2023 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing students, get ready to showcase your creativity and spread the holiday cheer as we're looking for our next holiday card cover.

Your artwork must show the spirit of the holiday season, which means we can't accept any hate and religious elements in your hand-created or computer-generated designs. It must be 4"x 6" and either horizontal or vertical.

Please email the artwork as a PDF, PNG, or JPG as an attachment to Link by November 10th. The winner will receive a $50 gift card and be recognized on our social media and website. #DeafYouth

[VIDEO DESC. & TRANSCRIPT: NAD Director of Youth Programs Claudia Giordano is standing front of a camera.

Claudia: Hey! The NAD is inviting Pre K-12 students for a contest to create the next holiday card cover! I’m curious about how the previous holiday card covers looked like? Let’s take a look - (Claudia is swiping through holiday card arts) Wow! Oh right - we need one for this year, 2023! It’s time for you to participate in the contest again!

It’s that time again for you, Pre K-12 students, to get ready to showcase your creativity and holidays spirit! How exciting! We’re looking forward to getting your submissions!]

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