President Update | October 2023

NAD     October 31, 2023 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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JENNY: For October, it's been another busy month for the NAD. First, we released an open letter and position statement about the serious crisis of language deprivation. Explore our website (Link ) to learn more. On October 21st, the NAD participated in the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)'s special session -- you can look at our post (Link ) for more information about that meeting. On October 23, the NAD hosted a virtual Town Hall -- it was great to havae many participants asking questions, engaging in discussions on specific topics, and sharing concerns affecting the deaf communities. Even though the NAD has been hard at work on many issues and have developed solutions but it is also just as important for communities to share their resources with each other. During the Town Hall, we recognized some gaps and concerns for specific issues. I hope those who participated in the Town Hall or watched via Facebook Live will brainstorm on priority proposals for the Delegates to consider for 2024-2026 which will be voted on at #NAD2024 in Chicago. On October 25, the NAD hosted an Awards Breakthrough Gala and provided 10 different awards to individuals who have done amazing and important work in Hollywood and the media for our communities. Such individuals who received an award ensured authentic stories about deaf people, authentic casting, and more -- congratulations to the award recipients! Thank you to those who joined us at the Gala. Also, thank you to the committee for organizing and hosting the Gala. While we're quickly approaching the end of 2023, we still have much work to do for our communities!

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