Join our College Bowl committees!

NAD     October 16, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Calling all young trivia buffs and debaters! We need YOU to apply to join our College Bowl committees. As a College Bowl committee member, your registration for #NAD2024, travel, lodging, and meals will be covered! Apply online at [link] by November 1, 2023.

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Individual people are in front of different backgrounds.

CLAUDIA: Have you participated in a College Bowl? Do you love trivia? Do you enjoy challenging college students and their smarts? The NAD Youth Programs is looking for YOU to join the College Bowl committee, we have 2 sub committees:

TYLER: One committee focuses on developing questions for specific categories like geography, current events, history, deaf culture, science, math, entertainment, and sports.

AUTUMN: Another committee focuses on logistics such as coordinating with teams and their coaches as well as competition set up.

CLAUDIA: Perks include free registration to #NAD2024 in Chicago! We also cover travel, shared hotel room, and per diem during #NAD2024. We invite interested folks to apply online (Link ). Email Link for any questions.]

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