GraceHeart     October 14, 2023 in ASL 7 Subscribers Subscribe

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38 Some of the xteachers_of_the_Laws and yPharisees came to Jesus. They said to Him: ‘zTeacher, we want You to show us a amiracle so that we can see that You come from God.’ 39 Jesus said to them: ‘You want a bsign because you are bad and you do not want to cbelieve. You want to see it. God will not give you a sign. The only sign that you will get is the sign of the dprophet Jonah. 40 Jonah was in the estomach of a big fish for 3 days and 3 nights just as I, the fSon of man, will also be in the gtomb for 3 days and 3 nights. 41 On the day when God hjudges everyone, the people of the city of Nineveh will live again and they will be with the people who live now. When Jonah ipreached to them, the people of Nineveh jturned their lives to God and they started to live as He wanted. When God judges everyone, the people of Nineveh will say that you are kguilty and that God must lpunish you. And I tell you, there is Someone here who is much more mimportant than Jonah, and that is I. 42 On that day when God njudges everyone, the oQueen_of_the_South will live again and she will paccuse you and say you are qguilty and that God must rpunish you. She came very far from her sland to come and listen to the twisdom of uKing Solomon. And I tell you, there is Someone here who is more vimportant than King Solomon, and that is I.’

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