Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

DeafCounseling     October 6, 2023 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is sometimes referred to as environmental illness, chemical intolerance, total allergy syndrome, or idiopathic environmental intolerance. In the medical field, it is a controversial diagnosis, with research ongoing to identify causes and treatment. In real life, however, many people report experiencing severe physical symptoms when exposed to certain chemicals. These chemicals can be fragrances in soaps, cleaning products, and perfume. They can be paint, building materials, smoke, car exhaust, and pesticides. Symptoms can include headaches, rashes, asthma, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, memory loss, to name a few. Mike shares his story about dealing with MCS. #multiplechemicalsensitivity

Est. 2001. Deaf Women Owned. Over 20 years in business. 35+ years of Experience. Deaf Counseling Center provides both #telementalhealth (videophone, web-based, online, and virtual, e-therapy, telemental health) and in-office #therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.
Board-certified Telemental Health (BC-TMH). HIPAA Compliant. 100% Private. Inbox us for more information.
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Deaf Counseling Center provides therapy to Deaf clients on a national basis.

NOTE: We use the word “Deaf” as an inclusive term for all Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, late-deafened, oral Deaf, ASL users, CI users, and other identities.

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