OAD Outgoing & Incoming Presidents' Joint Statement: Former Secretary Ada...

OAD1921     October 3, 2023 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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This statement is in response to a recent breach of confidentiality by our former Secretary, Adam Logan, we, as the Outgoing and Incoming OAD Presidents, strongly condemn his unauthorized actions and reaffirm our commitment to transparency, unity, and OAD's core values.

NOTE: Former Secretary Adam Logan's unauthorized farewell announcement video involving details about a confidential elections discussion has been taken down from both Facebook and YouTube.

View the statement in PDF: Link

In the video, Jack Ludwig, a white male with brown hair and beard, is on the left side, wearing a black sweater. Steven Brown, a white male with salt-and-pepper hair and a stubbly beard, stands on the right side, wearing a black t-shirt. The background is blue.

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