Why Join the NAD Board?

NAD     September 18, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Giving back to communities is a big reason why people serve on the NAD Board, watch and learn other reasons! #NADBoard

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Multiple NAD Board members are standing in front of a camera.

VYRON: Why did I join the NAD Board? Ah well–

JENNY: I really care about the communities–

NICHOLAS: I decided to go for it because I knew I’d gain experience and build a network.

DAWNMARIE: I wanted to give back to the community.

JAMES ‘DINO’: I wanted to learn and gain more experience to share with the communities.

VYRON: I feel ready and comfortable to share my expertise, knowledge, and skills with the NAD.

MICHELLE: I want to share information I have access to; empower others so that we all can make a difference for everyone.

LAURA: I’m basically your liaison, for you to share your needs before I’d pass it along to the NAD. Your input is so valuable because it’s FOR the communities!

LINSAY Jr.: Because I want to see changes made and make an impact.

TYESE: I want to help BIPOC members be more involved.

JACOB: I really appreciate the opportunity to be involved, discuss, and brainstorm with different communities on our issues, together.

JENNY: It’s important for us to have equal access.

KEVIN: I want to see all deaf communities succeed. I serve on the NAD Board to help break down barriers. Deaf communities have struggled for many years. Enough is enough.

KIM: I’m motivated and passionate about Deaf Youth, especially Deaf Youth, to get them more involved!

STEPHANIE: I love having time with the Board members and working together, I’m loyal to our deaf communities!

MILMAGLYN: To support and include diverse communities such as BIPOC, DeafBlind, Deaf Senior Citizens, and more.

VYRON: My involvement in the Black Deaf communities and LGBTQIA2S+ communities makes me want to bring awareness.

LISA: I believe in giving back to the deaf communities which in turn actually rewards me.

MICHAEL: It’s amazing to see how the NAD advocates and shares resources.

DAWNMARIE: The NAD does so much for us but our work isn’t over yet.]

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