GraceHeart     September 5, 2023 in ASL 7 Subscribers Subscribe

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5 When Jesus saw the crowds of people there, he went up on a hill and sat down. His followers came and sat next to him. 2 Then Jesus began teaching the people. He said, 3 “Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need.[a] God’s kingdom belongs to them. 4 Great blessings belong to those who are sad now. God will comfort them. 5 Great blessings belong to those who are humble. They will be given the land God promised.[b] 6 Great blessings belong to those who want to do right more than anything else.[c] God will fully satisfy them. 7 Great blessings belong to those who show mercy to others. Mercy will be given to them. 8 Great blessings belong to those whose thoughts are pure. They will be with God. 9 Great blessings belong to those who work to bring peace. God will call them his sons and daughters. 10 Great blessings belong to those who suffer persecution for doing what is right. God’s kingdom belongs to them. 11 “People will insult you and hurt you. They will lie and say all kinds of evil things about you because you follow me. But when they do that, know that great blessings belong to you. 12 Be happy about it. Be very glad because you have a great reward waiting for you in heaven. People did these same bad things to the prophets who lived before you.

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