President Updates | July 2023

NAD     July 31, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video Description and Transcript: Jenny is standing in the middle of a hallway while looking at a camera.

JENNY: Hello! Wow, I can't believe summer is almost over! The NAD hasn't been relaxing because we’ve been so busy attending many different conferences and events. Right now, I’m at the Deaf Women United Conference. Earlier this month, we went to Jeju Island, South Korea for the XIX World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf. Many delegates representing different countries gathered. The Congress is actually very similar to the NAD’s Biennial Conference where delegates vote and decide the NAD's priorities and attend workshops. The Congress allows delegates to decide what WFD’s action plan is for the next four years as well as new Officers for WFD and their next conference site in 2027. More information about the Congress will be shared soon. Don’t forget to register by August 31st for the NAD Leadership Training Conference. I hope to see you all in Albuquerque, New Mexico!]

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