“spirit shall return to God”?

ChetBrock     July 18, 2023 in ASL 48 Subscribers Subscribe

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The spirit shall return to God who gave it Mediating on "the spirit shall return to God "Qohelet קֹהֶלֶת, the Hebrew name the author of Ecclesiastes gives himself, wrote that life was meaningless, that so much that goes on in the world doesn’t make sense, and that our existence seems so fleeting as to make us wonder why we even bother. Depressing stuff! And yet, plenty of Christians have managed to find in the book of Ecclesiastes the promise of heaven when our bodies die. In chapter 12 verse 7 we find these words: “The dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

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  1. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   our spirit return to God
  2. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   my spirit/ His Spirit
  3. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
      Link 1
  4. ReplyTo:   JZ
    Title:   Yes called THEOPHANY   Link 1
  5. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
    Title:   TRADUCIANISM V CREATION   Link 1   Link 2
  6. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
  7. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   He created him! Jerm.   Link 1
  8. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
  9. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7
    Title:   learn & tell!
  10. ReplyTo:   DM FBI
  11. ReplyTo:   DeafMark7
    Title:   amen BRO!
  12. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock, SDD71
    Title:   Abraham's Bosom-Paradise   Link 1
  13. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock, SDD71
    Title:   Allude animals in Heaven   Link 1
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