2023 07 12 OAD Board Meeting

OAD1921     July 13, 2023 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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00:02:50 Chad: will there be a public comment available?
00:03:17 Chad: thumb up… i will be busy setting up my new office so will keep my eye on this screen
00:17:01 Morgan: I see Steven alright.
00:22:23 Morgan: Fall would be a good time to host it
00:22:56 Morgan: Second week of Oct?
00:23:48 Chad: can we pursue online conference?
00:25:31 John: A bit iffy for 2nd or 3rd weekend of October because usually homecoming in general tend to happen those weekend. i know for sure 3rd weekend is GU HC and I’ll be going there for my 10 year reunion
00:25:39 John: Though I second Chad re. Virtual conference
00:25:55 John: This way, it would be more accessible to the members who live faraway.
00:26:57 Morgan: October is a busy month with all of the events. How would first week Nov be? Its right before the holidays.
00:27:29 Morgan: If online, I can attend.
00:28:14 John: I kind of agree.. Octover is an iffy month… I would concur to Sept 15 or 22 weekends..
00:33:06 John: Something to think about, in-person conference would cost money, and I think it would be cost wise to proceed with virtual conference.. my two cents since I am aware that OAD runs on a very small budget due to lack of membership growth.
00:33:53 Morgan: It would be worth to get a group of volunteers to do technical support of the meeting to make it more effective giving board members more focus on presenting
00:34:24 John: I agree, and Morgan and I have connections to people who have experience with this kind of process, so we can reach out to those and ask them to volunteer their time.
00:36:48 Chad: can submit CT-12 form via online
00:37:42 Morgan: I apologize, a situation came up and I need to tend to it. For the secretary commentary, would it be possible to send a video if its needed?
00:38:09 Adam: Morgan, all OAD board meetings are recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.
00:38:14 Morgan: OK thank you
00:38:21 Adam: There's a playlist with just OAD Board meetings.
00:39:46 Chad: need me
00:40:52 Chad: may 18, 2024
00:41:01 Chad: saturday
00:41:37 Chad: John Hathaway
00:41:39 Chad: not Jon
00:43:29 Chad: yeah
00:51:28 Chad: all insurances are annual. I think you can get D&O and purchase one-time event insurance rather than purchase general liability insurance where event is tied to it.
00:52:03 Chad: talk with Gary Mayer… DEAF insurance agent
00:53:12 Scot Pearce: Chad, if you have Gary email and give to Jeb.
00:53:35 Chad: Link
01:08:45 John: Oregon Health Authority
01:08:47 John: OHA
01:09:25 John: State of Oregon: Department of Administrative Services
01:17:20 Adam: I Adam Logan motion the OAD budget $2,000 for the 2023 biennial conference. If any funds remain after the biennial conference it will be placed back into the endowment fund.
01:19:21 Chad: need anything from me?
01:19:26 Adam: I Adam Logan motion that OAD gifts $2,500 to Bridges Oregon.
01:38:17 Chad: we are financially doing well.
01:38:46 Chad: you can see 990-N report via IRS and see for yourself. :-)
01:39:01 John: They are doing financially well, but on a very strict and tight budget in compliance with grant policies. Wanted to clarify that too.
01:43:45 Chad: and insurance, etc
01:46:24 John: I read through Bylaws and SOP, there is no explicit rule that states the requirement to keep $40k or above in endowment.
01:47:19 John: This is John Hathaway, not Chad. — I’m only stating what’s in the bylaws or SOP. Not to imply anything here.
01:53:11 Chad: that’s is our dream to open office in portland, bend, and especially Medford
01:58:39 Joanna: I hope that dream happens
02:00:11 Chad: hand raise
02:09:31 Chad: it will create mountain of barrier
02:14:08 Chad: alethea and howrad are past OAD officers except for Miki.
02:16:17 Chad: how many members have been actively involved with OAD in the past 2-3 years… really honestly… zero… so you will go out of business in an instant.
02:19:48 Chad: signing off and head home as it is getting late :-)
02:19:48 John: Bending rules will require additional unnecessary processes. We would be required to make a motion to suspend specific sections or articles every single time you don’t have candidates for certain officers positions.
02:23:08 John: Sure
02:23:28 John: We’re just here for the effort to show ourselves. We’re not here for any form of preliminary interview.
02:23:35 John: We will present ourselves during the conference.
02:23:44 John: but i’m happy to introduce myself and all that next time.
02:24:39 John: John Hathaway for Prez, Morgan for VP, Amelia Sandoval for Secretary, and Jeremy Wagoner for Tresurer

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