The NAD and the Attack on Section...
NAD Feb 20, 2025
NAD July 6, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe
President Jenny shares updates from the NAD while at their retreat in Silver Spring, Maryland. The NAD Board continues to work on the priorities and ensures our progress. If you haven't, we encourage you to register for the NAD Leadership Training Conference happening this Fall in New Mexico -- Link !
[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: President Jenny is standing in the NAD Headquarters’ lobby.
JENNY: Hello! I’m thrilled to be at the NAD’s Headquarters because the NAD Team is having a retreat. On the first day of the retreat, departments such as Communications, Law & Advocacy Center, and Policy, discussed their visions, plans, and how to be more streamlined moving forward. Then, the next day, the NAD Team discussed internal operations for the NAD as a whole and how to improve and work better for our communities. Next, the NAD Board continues to work on our priorities and make sure we’re progressing. I'm excited about our progress, more updates will be shared. And last, the NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) is happening this Fall, there’s still time to register! We have a lot of good workshop topics that will benefit individuals as well as State Associations and Organizations in our communities.]
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