Advocacy Letter | Camps

NAD     July 6, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Does your Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing kid want to go to a hearing camp but aren't sure about accommodations? This advocacy letter may help! Link .

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Darien is sitting down at a table on the phone as on-screen text appears, “Going to a hearing camp as a deaf person” video freeze-frame in gray then back to color. On the phone, Darien sees an Instagram post about a summer camp that looks really cool.

DARIEN: Mom! Come look at this camp! It looks really fun and cool!

MOM: Yeah? Let me see…

Darien shows Mom the post.

MOM: Oh, yeah, it does! How long is the camp?

DARIEN: About two weeks.

MOM: Two weeks, not bad. Oh, wait, is this a deaf camp?

Darien looks at the post.

DARIEN: Looks like it’s a hearing camp.

MOM: Let’s ask if they’ll provide interpreters.

DARIEN: We can do that?

MOM: Yeah, the NAD has an Advocacy Letter for camps – we can use it!

Darien: Really?!

Mom and Darien are seated together on a bench as Darien types on the phone.

ON-SCREEN TEXT *attaches the NAD’s Advocacy Letter for camps*

DARIEN: and it’s sent!

ON-SCREEN TEXT: One day later…

Darien is sitting at the table holding the phone.


MOM: Yeah?

Darien: They responded saying they’ll provide interpreters!

MOM: Hey now, see!? Sending that advocacy letter worked! So, you better get to packing!

ON-SCREEN TEXT: One month later…

Mom and Darien are on their way out, standing in front of their front door,

Darien is carrying a backpack and a duffle bag.

MOM: Do you have everything? Underwear?


MOM: Hey, they’re important! Alright, we gotta hurry – I’m picking up my friends from the airport after I drop you off at camp.

Mom walks away, leaving Darien confused.

DARIEN: Wait, what??]

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