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NAD     June 7, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Dominique is standing in front of a wall.

DOMINIQUE: Hey girl! Today, I want to buy more deaf empowerment shirts to add to my Deaf owned collection. I know the NAD Store has some shirts but I’m stuck on which one I should buy. So, help me out! I'll wear some shirts and show you.

Dominique signs "READY?" with just her hand in frame.

DOMINIQUE (wearing NAD’s progressive-themed logo shirt): I love seeing the progressive colors with the NAD logo. This is my favorite NAD shirt.

DOMINIQUE (wearing “Nothing About Us, Without Us” shirt): "Nothing about us, without us!" This phrase is actually historic and comes from disability rights. Let me show you what it looks like on the back.

DOMINIQUE (wearing finger-spelled version of NAD shirt): N-A-D! This shirt was designed by a Deaf printer and owner of dirtybeardpress, Laural Hartman. It's easy to read and eye-catchy!

DOMINIQUE (wearing “Sharing Your Story” shirt): "Sharing your story is powerful" is a quote by Melissa Draganac-Hawk, former NAD President. We should share our story because you never know when your story might help inspire others.

DOMINIQUE: I really can’t pick just one -- I love them all! So, I’m taking them all!

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