Why do we need more Black Deaf/Signing Mental Health Therapists?

NAD     May 25, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Naima is standing in front of the camera

NAIMA: We don’t have enough Black Deaf/signing therapists in the mental health field. Challenges include...

ON-SCREEN TEXT: systemic oppression, lack of resources/support, cost of education, stigmatization of therapy and lack of exposure, a list that could go on.

NAIMA: Why is it important to have a Black Deaf/signing therapist? Black deaf/signing therapists will be able to provide an authentic, safe space to promote and explore healing, have different experiences, and explore issues regarding racial identities and oppression/challenges of living in a society where black deaf and hard of hearing communities may be marginalized and overlooked.

Naima gestures to camera "pause".

NAIMA: Black Deaf/signing therapists are in high demand! So here's a message for YOU! Are you, or do you know anyone who is Black Deaf/signing therapist?! Tag or comment below! Come and support us, Black Deaf/signing therapists. Our Black Deaf/signing therapists are crucial for our Black Deaf/signing communities to heal and navigate through our healing journey.]

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