President Updates | April 2023

NAD     April 26, 2023 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jenny is standing in front of a black background.

JENNY: Hi! It's April and it was surely a busy month for the NAD! The NAD Board held its quarterly in-person meeting at the Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind in Great Falls, Montana. It was a great visit, we met with the students and the local communities. In addition, the Montana Association of the Deaf (MAD) held an ASL storytelling event at the school, and we enjoyed ourselves. Thank you for hosting us, Montana! In other news, we have released a statement regarding who should teach sign language on social media -- the NAD affirms that the teaching of sign language must be done by members of the Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Late-Deafened, and Hard of Hearing communities who are heritage signers. You can view the statement on our website. Also, the NAD is excited to release registration information for our next NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC)! The website has all the info you need -- the where, when, what, and how to register. I look forward to having you with us at NLTC this Fall! And last but not least, during this month of April, we also celebrated Deaf History Month. This gave us an opportunity to recognize people and events that have made an impact on deaf history. We appreciated learning your stories that you shared on social media and with our communities. I hope everyone learned a thing or two this month! I know I did, especially about the deaf museums all over the US. Until next month!]

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