Advocacy Letter: Healthcare Providers

NAD     April 21, 2023 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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[Video Description & Transcript: Dr. Zach talks to the camera from inside a hospital hallway.

DR. ZACH: Deaf people go to the hospitals too. Sometimes it’s because we need help ourselves, or we’re going to visit our families or friends.

Dr. Zach stands in a different hallway, facing the camera.

DR. ZACH: Hospital staff sometimes forget that deaf people need access while they need care, for themselves or for their loved ones.

Dr. Zach stands in a hospital room, facing the camera.

DR. ZACH: We face discrimination even when we’re trying to live.

Dr. Zach sits in a hospital room, facing the camera.

DR. ZACH: The Americans with Disabilities Act protects deaf and hard of hearing people, even when they’re in the hospital. It covers a list of things:

TEXT-ON-SCREEN: Title III of the ADA applies to all private health care providers; Healthcare providers must provide services that are necessary for effective communication with deaf patients; services include interpreters, captioning, video remote interpreters, and more; also applies to a deaf companion of a patient.

DR. ZACH: Take care! Bye!]

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